Say what you will about Donald Trump, but you can’t pin the blame for any of the disasters that have befallen our nation within these past few decades on him or his policy proposals.
What liberal don’t understand is that successive generations of failed immigration and foreign policy, although perhaps benefitting them and the rest of the ivory tower elite, have left the country weakened and the American people impoverished. Instead of doing what most countries and looking out for their citizens’ interests, our government elected to cater to special interests and foreign powers instead, opening the borders up to free trade and cheap labor while Americans were left to fend for themselves.
Forgotten by the establishment, it was no wonder that ordinary Americans rallied behind Donald Trump after he promised to return power to them and once again make the country great.
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I think she is jealous that Conway has take over as the countries #1 lunatic fringe blond bimbo
That’s bs!!!
Well said
No.obuma has left the stage
Obama hasn’t left the stage, he’s already made comments. He doesn’t want to exit the stage.
This hag…. She’s not very original, is she? Divert. Blame. Distract. Truth is business especially agricultural industry lobbyists worked to keep holes in immigration. Seems without cheap labor, shareholder value takes a hit and God forbid that ever happens. Trust me, as long as there’s a profit to be made, there will never a wall that works. Greed is the root of all evil.
But it was ALL caused by you baboon !!! Time to wake up !!! He did nothing but divide this country for 8 years and is still trying !!!!
Treason in the WH!!! Love it!!! Scandal after scandal!!! Russian lover!!!
It amazing how STUPID some so-called Americans are. Send the illegal immigrants out of country, ban the Muslims. Have anyone been to a gas station lately. Have anyone been to a corner store lately. WHO DO YOU SEE? Are the running Muslims that owns gas station, small business stores out of the country. WHY? they’re getting paid by those same Muslims they’re telling you to hate. How are these Muslims getting business license, which banks are their money deposit in. WAKE-UP.