Say what you will about Donald Trump, but you can’t pin the blame for any of the disasters that have befallen our nation within these past few decades on him or his policy proposals.
What liberal don’t understand is that successive generations of failed immigration and foreign policy, although perhaps benefitting them and the rest of the ivory tower elite, have left the country weakened and the American people impoverished. Instead of doing what most countries and looking out for their citizens’ interests, our government elected to cater to special interests and foreign powers instead, opening the borders up to free trade and cheap labor while Americans were left to fend for themselves.
Forgotten by the establishment, it was no wonder that ordinary Americans rallied behind Donald Trump after he promised to return power to them and once again make the country great.
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Yes for sure
b******t. The immigration problem, stems from the Owens memo of the early seventies all call to arms to the darkest most lunatic fringe of our already fanatical right. They gutted the INS with the intention of flooding this country with illegals to undercut American workers and the American middle class. A purposely failed assassination attempt was carried out against Carter, the preps were Oswaldo Cruz and Harvey Leigh the names themselves carried a strong message. Carter who was preparing to make a speech about broad and wide sweeping changes including an effort to dismantle the Fed Reserve, basically the message was try it and you will get grassy knolled. Reagan deregulated the FCC making the widespread use of f**e news possible hence the birth of Fox news whose daily excretion of fallacious venom has conned idiots such as yourselves to believe that liberals and socialists are the enemy and the root cause of your problems. Open your eyes. Running a country like a business is fascism, or as Mussolini once corrected someone Corporatism. In business people not needed are fired, laid off in fascism the lubewrdson linen Live not worth living are eliminated. The reason why the Republicans are so intent on removing healthcare and Safety net progranpms. As for socialism, A government by theeople, of the people for the people is a socialist principle, which is why the Republicans deeming our fou ding father’s as being to libtarded are driving for a new constitutional convention the first since the 1780’s f course their bosses the Kocn brothers are the ones behind it. The same brothers whose father founded the John Birch society and who Eisenhower termed the Lunatic fringe on the right. The sa,e man who built oil refineries for his boy Adolf. The same ones who had the most to gain from repeal of asbestos laws and most to profit from the destruction of EPA. The same men who financed the Tea Party and news like Breitbart. The allegations about George Soros are a smokescreen designed to cover their handprints. Example the Republicans who did not support Trumpcare did so as per orders of the Koch’s. Get your ducking facts straight. If you do not make millions a year republicans are your biggest enemy. Do not believe me. Look at the extreme poverty in deeply red states. White poverty, the reward they got for supporting them. If you do make millions of dollars then you perceive socialism as your enemy only in that it requires that you pay your share into the sustenance of the state. Socialism is our natural state. sitting here and talking is a socialistic act. Get your facts fucking straight not the twisted b.s. of our fascist overlirds. As one historian put it the Nazis did not lose WWII$#%&!@*and the Germans did. Wherever we have gone we have left fascist regimes behind. That is no coincidence.
You are partially right.
If you mean Obama I agree. He let in millions of illegal immigrants bypassing current immigration laws
Out of new news are ya
Gary Gauthier I am an Obama fan and am not sure policy is as week as you claim but do agree that it has been put into place over a number of years and by several presidents. The problem voters have is not remembering past the last President. If we could stay focused for more than 4 years we can clean up Washington and put people in place that are interested in the good of the country. We currently have people who are just about themselves they implement things that make us mad but by time we vote we forget. We have to stay focused and elect people who are good for the country. Sadly I do not think it’s Trump but do know and agree that a non politician could be good. There are plenty qualified people out there
He was better for people that wanted to draw a welfare check and not work thats for sure
What you been smoking ?
You stupid ignorant$#%&!@* Agent orange hasn’t done a fucking thing for his middle, low class citizens. In fact he’s trying to$#%&!@*them even more. He’s only looking out for his rich class society to make them richer.
The maniac has been replaced
Martha Martha Martha he hides it you too funny…..coulter is a blonde palin