Say what you will about Donald Trump, but you can’t pin the blame for any of the disasters that have befallen our nation within these past few decades on him or his policy proposals.
What liberal don’t understand is that successive generations of failed immigration and foreign policy, although perhaps benefitting them and the rest of the ivory tower elite, have left the country weakened and the American people impoverished. Instead of doing what most countries and looking out for their citizens’ interests, our government elected to cater to special interests and foreign powers instead, opening the borders up to free trade and cheap labor while Americans were left to fend for themselves.
Forgotten by the establishment, it was no wonder that ordinary Americans rallied behind Donald Trump after he promised to return power to them and once again make the country great.
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So is she saying Donald trump or who else is in charge lol
Now we have states telling the CIC and the current federal government to screw themselves. All at same time dictating how the rest of us should live. By violating the constitution.
I agree.
A maniac is in the whitehouse.
So u think people shouldn’t be able to come here or just no Mexicans an Muslims
Tony,at least Trump is not in bed with illegal immigrants and Muslim brotherhood and every Islamic terrorists that he is funneling money to.oboms can do no wrong in you liberal Democrats and some Republicans eyes.if it doesn’t fit the plan they lie cheat and come up with crazy charges in which they are more guilty of and bogus investigations that they would be guilty of if they were investigated in the same charge.hypocrites…
Exactly Donald Murphy!!
Sarcasm, right?? Has to be sarcasm! 😀
No one for at least a year or until we clean up our immigration mess, which includes enforcing the current laws.
Kept the homeland safe fort hood, Boston marathon,Orlando, just to name a few, and Libya on 9/11 well that was because of a video and “what difference does it make”. STAY AWAY FROM HIS KOOL AID!!!!!!!