Say what you will about Donald Trump, but you can’t pin the blame for any of the disasters that have befallen our nation within these past few decades on him or his policy proposals.
What liberal don’t understand is that successive generations of failed immigration and foreign policy, although perhaps benefitting them and the rest of the ivory tower elite, have left the country weakened and the American people impoverished. Instead of doing what most countries and looking out for their citizens’ interests, our government elected to cater to special interests and foreign powers instead, opening the borders up to free trade and cheap labor while Americans were left to fend for themselves.
Forgotten by the establishment, it was no wonder that ordinary Americans rallied behind Donald Trump after he promised to return power to them and once again make the country great.
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Get the facts before you open your mouth.
Trump is a Russian
lmfao, that’s funny
If you don’t see it why should I tell you.
Charles Estes, usually ex Presidents keep their mouths shut on other Presidents policies. It’s called courtesy. Did you hear Bush do any bashing on Obama? No you didn’t. You just heard how much Bush was blamed, I’ m not a fan of Bush, Obama nor Trump, but it is what it is.
Get rid of her! Problem solved
He destabalized the Middle East. He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. By far, and I mean this from the bottom of my American heart THE WORST PRESIDENT THIS NATION HAS EVER SEEN.
Take a second look my friend, 52 48 in the sen
Where it takes 60?? That’s why Trump is turning to the Dems for support on health care. News today!
Anti free trade ? You know who else is anti free trade? Communist. It’s not the governments job to ensure Americans have jobs. That’s called socialism.
A crock