Say what you will about Donald Trump, but you can’t pin the blame for any of the disasters that have befallen our nation within these past few decades on him or his policy proposals.
What liberal don’t understand is that successive generations of failed immigration and foreign policy, although perhaps benefitting them and the rest of the ivory tower elite, have left the country weakened and the American people impoverished. Instead of doing what most countries and looking out for their citizens’ interests, our government elected to cater to special interests and foreign powers instead, opening the borders up to free trade and cheap labor while Americans were left to fend for themselves.
Forgotten by the establishment, it was no wonder that ordinary Americans rallied behind Donald Trump after he promised to return power to them and once again make the country great.
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Alas Gerard… it seems that personal responsibility has died and been replaced by social justice.
John, you won’t convince Trent, he is an expert because he read something once that agreed with his preconceived ideas of righteous wrath. Truth doesn’t matter if it doesn’t fit with his need to feel threatened and agrieved.
Robert Robertson I’m all for helping out those that need it but with accountability. People can no longer be allowed to collect from society as a permanent solution and they need to contribute while on the dole. It doesn’t matter if it’s picking up trash on the highway or cleaning bathrooms in public schools – whatever – do something to earn the help. At the same time, multimillionaires should not be given any tax breaks – this country provides the capitalism that made them rich so they should be honored to kick some back.
It can all be traced to p**s poor governance. I am an anarcho capitalist. I have not much use for a government that provides for derelicts regardless of from whom they take the funds. This country doesn’t provide the capitalism. It only allows for the environment wherein LIMITED, RESTRICTED, and REGULATED capitalism is possible. That’s not really true capitalism. True capitalism provides for itself, can regulate itself, and can provide, through free market competition and exchange, ALL THINGS NECESSARY FOR SOCIETY.
Dumb A$$
Oh,$#%&!@*you proved your point so well like a typical teaparty / Republican. Attack the bearer of accurate news.
she is absolutely correct
Interesting – I can see the appeal to AC but at this point I think we’d have to go through a ‘Beyond ThunderDome Era’ to ever see that happen. That’s not a critique – just not sure how else we’d make that transition work.
This woman why does she matter what is her claim to fame
Michael Dalton, am blushing; you make me sound like a liberal. Dudes, we see the facts every day around the area. 1st hand dealings all day, every day. It will be a huge change, I guarantee it. Maybe people are bailing out of AZ if the local economy sucks that bad. Still, no matter what tebactual #s are, illegals are “illegal” and breaking the law. It has to stop. Period…