Former child star Corey Feldman is being targeted for stating a few days ago that he wanted to create a project to help expose the powerful child pedophile ring that he has been aware of since he was a child.
He shares in a heartbreaking video available on the next page how he is being stalked, arrested, and how his band members have suddenly quit fearing for their lives in just the past few days since announcing he had a plan to name the names of those running the child pedophile network in Hollywood.
“I’ve lived in fear and shame my entire life and so has millions of others and now we have the ability to let our voices he heard and break the dam of silence.”
Feldman states he can name at least 6 major figures in Hollywood a part of this pedophile network and with your support he is going to expose them all.
Head on over to the next page to learn about the Truth Campaign and how Feldman plans on revealing those names.
It’s time to speak. Just say it already! !! Once everyone knows , he may survive the “suiciding” , because that’s what they call killing threats these days. Especially Podesta and Clinton…
You better watch your back young man, sorry you have had to endure all this for most of your life, so sad
Be careful….hide out ! These celebs are very dangerous and will pay and do anything to keep you silent ! Write their names down and mail to some conservatives !
You go do what you’ve got to do! ! Haven’t you suffered enough?
Ask the President to help you.
he needs to stay safe.
Lord protect him as you expose what is done in the darkness and bring it forth into the light.
Very brave!!!! Stay safe!!!!