The Fourth Amendment is once again under attack. It’s been recently discovered that at least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies across the country have been secretly using radar devices that allow them to effectively see through the walls of houses.
These new radar devices emit a radio wave like motion detectors, giving the user a basic picture of those inside and if they are moving or not.
Why not? The Elite need to know what “the little people” are doing….. The Elite are not affected by laws. Only the little people are. Don’t think so? Look at Congress, The White House, the Supreme Court….they are immune from ObamaCare. The Elite are the ones “with the need to know”……
It’s not so new
This is illegal to use against Americans
this is cut and dried invasion of privacy
Good men died for my right to my freedom’s why must they all dismantle it? I have a feeling we must fight back soon.
Maybe it will prevent them from throwing flash grenades into baby cribs
Not right…I’m thinking lawsuits
If it is true, then this is beyond intrusive violation of privacy rights. Unless or until obama and his regime designate our Cons$#%&!@*ution and Rights invalid, this is illegal. But then “illegal” is not in his vocabulary.
This technology has been available for several years. To think it will not be mis-used is akin to believing in tooth fairies and that “the check is in the mail”……