Remember when a child’s bad behavior was treated like bad behavior? He got a time out, a detention or even a suspension. But, now bad school behavior is being criminalized.
One might think that police are supposed to apprehend criminals who break the law and harm others. But, what if the “criminal” is a rowdy kid at school? Arrested. Or a 13 year old who burped in class? Arrested.
What happens if the child has a severe mental disability?
screaming in RAGE you mean..a little duct tape should solve that.
An adult could tell the difference!!! Really u went there?
What could a disabled 3rd grader do that required him to be handcuffed? Now that is what I call Police brutality.
Nothing wrong with a little discipline! Kid was out of control (hurting other kids) puts handcuffs on it all stops. What’s wrong with that? The kid was being a brat!
Obviously some sort of storm trooper cop
I don’t approbe of what the officer did, but the reak issue starts with the boys parents. The article says the boy is a constant trouble maker. He has ADHD not some form of serious mental disability. It seems to me that the parents did a terrible job of teaching the child the importance of obedience and MANNERS! The boy isn’t screeming in agony, he is pissed that he is being DISCIPLINED. Most people are so blinded by the misleading media that they can’t see the reality of a situation.
Literal silly
What a loser
Pigs wonder why their being killed?