Watch this video as a man, Andre Stockett, defends his rights at a routine traffic stop and police try everything they can to make him yield, even threatening to take their 2 week old baby to Child Protective Services, because he refused to show his ID.
Yes, this man could have shown his ID and perhaps avoided all the hooplah, but one should never be scared or to defend their rights, especially if they feel they might subject themselves to more of the same abuse if they do.
The incident happened in Sandusky, Ohio.
Somebody needs to school these thugs on LAW!
I still think we ought to be able to screen better. Most say to protect and serve not to control
Some of these Police officers are getting WAY out of hand .
any real chief of police would have a serious talk with the cops and tell them to chill
I guess the Gestapo is alive and well in Sandusky Ohio. Sieg Heil, brownshirts!!
What is going on, sound like OBAMA’S administration is overflowing to the public as well–socialism/communism/Muslim!!
They are not to be trusted! I hope they sue and win huge!
my question is what was he trying to hide, maybe he had outstanding warrants for him or some thing worst
★F**KIN’ A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!★