A police officer in Illinois flew into a rage with a driver who attempted to exercise his Constitutional rights at a random police checkpoint. Ryan Scott recorded this quite disturbing video as he was ushered into the checkpoint.
Scott defended his rights, stating that he was not obligated to give his driver’s license if he is not being detained or was suspected of committing a crime, the second officer went into a quite insane rage, ripping open the car door and yelling “YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU ARE OBLIGATED, GET OUT NOW!”
Click the link below to read more + watch video:
Not cool but would need to see everything to make a call
As civil servents cops shopuld have to deal with our bullcrap if we are not a danger to them
The reason cops arent being suspended or fired and departments arent changing or doing anything about it is because even though its our right, they do not want the public thinking that this can be normal behavior on our part while their criminal behavior is more than acceptable which is why they have a union rep every time they break the law. I honestly never feel bad when a cop dies or gets hurt simply because thats the job they chose and they all have a certain attribute and mentality which is why they become a cop in the first place. They think its cool, and bad a** and they’ll get the girls and they get to break the law when they want because their buddies are cops to they all work together to f*ck every one over. There may be a few good cops but thats here and there. They treat every one like sh*t and and only let old people and hot chicks go free. Every one including men get trashed and beat and killed by cops every day.
this is going to keep happening until Dooofus leaves office..but at least we get to see all the policemen who will be fired when the next chief takes office because these officers ditched the constitution.
I would watch the video but it keeps redirecting to some bogus site.
Like to watch video but too many pop ups. You guys suck. Bye.
Samuel freeman, you are an idiot. This has nothing to do with the president. It has happened under many presidents and will happen under many more.
Too much trash pops up. Truth and Action sucks big time
He should have shot the driver 6 times in the back.