The methods used by police officers when detaining suspects has been the subject of much scrutiny over the past few years. With incidents like the deaths of Freddy Gray, Michael Brown and Eric Garner stirring controversy and even violent outbursts from groups like Black Lives Matter and the African American community as a whole, the subject of police brutality is one that tends to stir contention.
And after the girlfriend of Philando Castile filmed the death of her boyfriend by a police officer in Falcon Heights, MN, while streaming it to Facebook, that outrage is once again rising.
In a video you can watch on the next page, you can see the whole thing go down. Notice how the demeanor of the police officer isn’t exactly one of somebody who has it under control. This leaves two questions. Does this keep happening because police officers are scared? And is this going to incite more riots, like the ones that took place in Ferguson?
Watch the video on the next page.
Now we know why she put the video on facebook she knows what he did and covering up to make it look like the cop just shot him for no reason. She should be arrested
It was possible that he was reaching for his gun next to his wallet and would not stop when cops said, “stop reaching for wallet”. Two sides to this story, the truth will eventually surface. (H)
They stop him and his woman for a robbery a few days prior. They are leaving out this part of the story out. They were following them for a crime and stop them for an excuse. Another video showed the mother of the child smoking something——-we don’t know if it was pot.
Did he freeze and stop moving or move the gun! Hope there is a camera ?!
Like black life matters say these things happen.remember the cop get on killed
Sad. Cop was afraid and reacted too quickly…
He matched the description of an armed robbery. And that video doesn’t show anything but a guy lying with blood all over him
First she was videoing her$#%&!@*and smoking pot in front of her daughter. He was wanted for armed robbery and his gun was used in that robbery.
Truth and Action inciting violence and more racial tensions! I’m blocking them and advise all to do the same!! Total BS
Boo fucking hoo..! Another burden to society GONE..!