The methods used by police officers when detaining suspects has been the subject of much scrutiny over the past few years. With incidents like the deaths of Freddy Gray, Michael Brown and Eric Garner stirring controversy and even violent outbursts from groups like Black Lives Matter and the African American community as a whole, the subject of police brutality is one that tends to stir contention.
And after the girlfriend of Philando Castile filmed the death of her boyfriend by a police officer in Falcon Heights, MN, while streaming it to Facebook, that outrage is once again rising.
In a video you can watch on the next page, you can see the whole thing go down. Notice how the demeanor of the police officer isn’t exactly one of somebody who has it under control. This leaves two questions. Does this keep happening because police officers are scared? And is this going to incite more riots, like the ones that took place in Ferguson?
Watch the video on the next page.
Police would ask you to get out the car if they know you have a gun …somethng fishing about this story.
With a girlfriend like that , the man didn’t need any enemies. The rule of thumb isn’t usually, if your man gets shot while being stopped by the police—-don’t try to assist him—just whip your your trusty obama phone and record the event for any future possible rebel rousing opportunity.Forget that there is a child in the back seat —no use trying to comfort any fears she might have had—–gotta get that video for further race baiting media use. Please! The narrator of the video also didn’t seem overly concerned that her man was possibly in mortal danger.
This is all the government trying to ban guns and declare marshal law and these people that are rioting and hollering racism and$#%&!@*are too stupid to see that
He was wanted for armed Robbery.
Headline should read.$#%&!@*makes dumb decision in front of daughter and it costs him his life then wife tapes after math to build a victims case out of it. Js
This is a false bull$#%&!@*statement,
They were being checked out as suspects in a robbery that occurred a couple days prior. Had nothing to do with a “broken taillight”. If you are a suspect in a robbery and you reach toward a weapon, you are going to be shot.