The methods used by police officers when detaining suspects has been the subject of much scrutiny over the past few years. With incidents like the deaths of Freddy Gray, Michael Brown and Eric Garner stirring controversy and even violent outbursts from groups like Black Lives Matter and the African American community as a whole, the subject of police brutality is one that tends to stir contention.
And after the girlfriend of Philando Castile filmed the death of her boyfriend by a police officer in Falcon Heights, MN, while streaming it to Facebook, that outrage is once again rising.
In a video you can watch on the next page, you can see the whole thing go down. Notice how the demeanor of the police officer isn’t exactly one of somebody who has it under control. This leaves two questions. Does this keep happening because police officers are scared? And is this going to incite more riots, like the ones that took place in Ferguson?
Watch the video on the next page.
Wow some girlfriend to video her boyfriends death
How was she able to keep filming?
Why did this woman not try to comfort the man or her child? Seems like being on FB was her priority and that’s scary.
You know he was pulled over for matching the description of a armed robbery suspect
This was not right.I feel so bad that the police officer had choose this way.
This concerns me. I’m a white guy, so, uh, yea, anyway, I’ve witnessed many times cops escalating things, acting like assholes, pulling guns on people. Hell, I had a mix up at the bmv and ended up renewing the wrong plates, thankfully 3 squad cars and men in blue informed me, with there guns out. Ypu tend to hear real well when someone’s holding a gun. But who cares about that, I look wierd, so people assume I’m guilty of something. That’s the thing about society that blows, oh, he was black, well he probably deserved it. Oh. He’s freaky looking, well he shouldn’t look like that. He was a homeless with a pocket knife, he deserved it. Blah blah blah. It’s all c**p. People are dicks. Cops are people. So dicks by default. Dicks with guns. Are all folk dicks. Nope. Cops. Nope. As a person, I expect a.certain higher expectation of peace officers. And as a person I expect a bit of between folks. It’s not that hard people. There is alot of messed up$#%&!@*happening in the name of justice. Lmao. Justice as defined by who, selfish folks, morons, power abusers, who? Mabey we should all just keep fighting and shooting at eachother, that’s how to solve problems.
Don’t know the whole truth, but this looks bad, I feel for him and his family.
He was a armed robbery suspect. Got what he deserved
We dont know what happened before the video was started. Not saying the cop isnt at fault but we dont know that for sure.
He is n the passenger seat! Right shoulder against the car door!