Baltimore Cop Jerry Bolger sits in jail after he slit a dog’s throat he had restrained with a dog pole.
Witnesses state they heard the cop say “I’m going to gut this (explicative) thing,” indicating some sort of blood lust.
We’ve seen a dramatic rise in police brutality and outright insanity from law enforcement as the police state here in the US continues to rise. This guy had been a cop for more than 20 years.
What are they putting in the water cooler in police departments these days?
So sad!
What is wrong with these cops now days so sad…..
Police Unions were service organizations in the past, now it is a political tool. They protect murderers by putting them on paid vacation while a biased investigation runs its inevitable course.
He should be fired without Pension, He is a Sadistic Killer, Might be a Human he kills Next !!
protect and serve?
what a horrible thing to do,he should be in jail for that crime
Get rid of him now!
Fire the cop.
So sad
So much evil in this world – and we are to trust the police?