Baltimore Cop Jerry Bolger sits in jail after he slit a dog’s throat he had restrained with a dog pole.
Witnesses state they heard the cop say “I’m going to gut this (explicative) thing,” indicating some sort of blood lust.
We’ve seen a dramatic rise in police brutality and outright insanity from law enforcement as the police state here in the US continues to rise. This guy had been a cop for more than 20 years.
What are they putting in the water cooler in police departments these days?
They need to start having their pensions, retirements, livelihoods taken from them, or they will never stop.
Tragic! This guy should get prison time and sued this lady should sue the city. The police force had known him for 20 years makes u wonder what else he has done and was never caught at it?
Fire & prosecute him now!
مرشح الرئاسة لعام 2014م الجمهورية اليمنية (المهندس الثائر الشبابي الحر الصامد المرابط بساحة الحرية بتعز (حمود احمد الخليفه)
نهيب بكافة ابناء وبنات اليمن بالتفاعل الجاد والصادق لنجاح الحملة الانتخابية من اجل ضمان المستقبل والغد المشرق للأبناء والاحفاد في وطن مليئ بالسعادة والاطمئنان والرفاه والتقدم والازدهار ثقو بقدرتكم ايها اليمنيين لصناعة الامل القادم ممثلا بالتعليم المجاني والتأمين الصحي الشامل لكل ابناء اليمن كل اليمن والتأمين المعيشي وتوفير فرص العمل والقضاء على الفقر والبطالة خلال فترة وجيزة جدا .
ايها الشعب اليمني العظيم رجالا ونساء المستقبل بين ايديكم مرشحكم (المهندس الثائر حمود الخليفه)
Presidential candidate for 2014, the Republic of Yemen (Eng rebellious youth free steadfast Freedom Square in Taiz (Hamood Ahmed Khalifa)
We call on all sons and daughters of Yemen to interact serious and sincere to the success of the campaign in order to ensure the future and the bright future for the children and grandchildren at home filled with happiness and confidence and well-being, progress and prosperity Thago your ability Dear Yemenis industry hope the next representative of free education and universal health insurance for all the sons of Yemen every Yemen, insurance, living and provide jobs and the elimination of poverty and unemployment during a very brief period.
Dear great Yemeni people, men and women of the future in your hands your candidate (Eng Rebel Hammoud Caliph)
الرمز الانتخابي الخاص بي (A)
Slit his!
hope that pig dies the same way-
Time in a good prison where everyone knows he’s a cop and a sick sob
What an absolutely sick person. Throw him in Jail and throw away the key. These law enforcement people need to have special training in animals, as they seem to make soooo many unjustified mistakes at the expense of innocent animals. This should no longer be tolerated and people need to be held accountable with extremely harsh punishments.
He’s where he needs to be, how awful is this? He’s a slime bucket.