About as truthful as the old “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement.
“According to BGR, there’s only about six ways that your Apple iMessages are not protected from Big Brother’s prying eyes if you are a suspect, encryption or not. And it doesn’t take a whole lot to be a suspect these days in America.
And that’s if the FBI even follows the rules about obtaining warrants to get your data. Considering the FBI operates a “small air force” to spy on us…”
Cook claims:
“If the government laid a subpoena to get iMessages, we can’t provide it. It’s encrypted and we don’t have a key…”
“It’s encrypted and we don’t have a key”? Since when can’t the United States Government access something just an average hacker can?
Source Freedom Outpost
Politicians aren’t the only ones who work for the same corporations
Another reason Apple must be broken up
says nothing about it being a lie, just sounds like someone is pissed that apple is taking Microsoft’s customers
I don’t doubt it,