A Breitbart meetup in Arizona was disrupted after the manager of the restaurant K O’Donnell’s cut off the microphone and a police helicopter showed up, telling attendees to disperse. Having already spoken to the restaurant manager about hosting the event, which allows passionate Breitbart News readers to engage in offline fellowship, the event ended after restaurant workers claimed that one of the guests assaulted them, but turned out to be nothing more than a liberal patron complaining about the content being talked about. Between 150 to 200 people showed up, filling the patio of K O’Donnell’s to discuss matters of liberty and freedom with other Conservatives.
Read more about this event and the police raid on the next page.
Something is wrong with the audio. Its so quiet can barely hear it, I caught the first part but when the older lady started talkin its to quiet and fuzzy
Communism at it’s best boycott K O’Donnels NOW!!!
This shows the dangers we are in if we do not get rid of the politicians in this government I hope we have time!
seems like every liberal nutjob i meet could screw up a locomotive with a cotton ball!!!! we can’t we kill them? why?
Those in charge must go! They did nothing wrong except not have a conforming opinion! Folks are freedom is more than in jeopardy and these losers must be stopped if we are to be free!!!!!
The spirit of anti-Christ is all over. They have become puppets of the puppet master Obama- nation of desolation. Find it in Revelation.
Remove Obama immediately enough treason before it’s too late
Hear something….say something
Welcome to the FUTURE.–POS Obama’s “America”.