The Breitbart event was filled with several speakers, including Breitbart’s Community Liaison Dustin Stockton, Second Amendment “journalist of the year” AWR Hawkins and Breitbart Texas’ Managing Director Brandon Darby. Just as Darby finished his comments, the microphone was cut off and audio for a baseball game blared over the PA system. Then a police helicopter showed up.
For the first 45 minutes of the pre-organized event conservatives networked while ordering food and drinks. There was already a great sense of camaraderie among the crowd when Breitbart’s Community Liaison Dustin Stockton began the program by asking God to steer the conversation towards solutions that would combat the agents of greed and corruption that infest our government and media.
Second Amendment “journalist of the year” AWR Hawkins gave the first speech of the evening. He spoke with the enthusiastic attendees about guns, and the American tradition of freedom. AWR passed the microphone to Breitbart Texas’ Managing Director Brandon Darby who captivated the crowd with his extensive knowledge of border issues.
Just as Darby finished his remarks and opened the stage for Q&A, the microphone was suddenly cut off and the audio of the Mets/Cubs game began to blare over the PA system. The attendees began to realize that instead of a technical issue, the management at K O’Donnell’s had purposefully cut off the microphone. Once again, PC culture was trying to silence a peaceful group of people concerned about the direction of the country.
No longer welcome, the large Breitbart crowd began paying their bills and congregating just outside the establishment. Before most of the crowd could conclude their business with the venue, both Phoenix and Scottsdale police departments arrived on the scene and a police helicopter began circling overhead shining a spotlight on the crowd. A PA system on the chopper began to demand that the crowd disperse.
“It was outrageous,” one of the attendees, Kris Hall, told Breitbart News. “They (K O’Donnell’s) had a packed house on a Wednesday night and they were willing to anger all of us because they got a couple of complaints about the very respectful things the Breitbart team was talking about, Give me a break!”
Much of the group walked across the parking lot to the Scottsdale Gun Club where there was a lot of conversation and disbelief over what had just transpired. “I can’t figure out why they would do that,” one person was heard saying. “They (K O’Donnell’s) are a gun friendly bar, you’d think they wouldn’t have a problem with the message.”
Several attendees posted negative reviews on Yelp, which were later reported to have been taken down. This is another example of how liberals feel the need to silence anybody who doesn’t agree with them. Why is it that liberals will stand around and watch people destroy American cities for the sake of racial “equality”, but when people gather around to discuss how to better America, the cops are called? This is what America has become, a place of bullying by the left. It’s time that Conservatives had their voices heard.
Proof that it’s the liberals with the knee jerk reactions.
Again our conserveitive values under attack!!!
Wonder, what Moron Liberal ordered that one, if it had been BLM Morons congregating , nothing would have been done, this restaurant should be boycotted
I, a citizen of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA, am calling for the immediate arrest and trial of Barack Hussein Obama for treason, under Article 3 section 3 of the United States Constitution, for aiding and giving comfort to our enemies. If you agree, please copy and re-post.
THIS is out right Bigotry blacks can riot in the streets but white consertatives plan a meeting and get the full police department ,
Well, K O’Donalds restaurant may be looking for a new way to make a living. There is a saying that goes like this: If your customer is satisfied & pleased with your service, he/she will tell 3-5 people and if your customer is dissatisfied, he/she will tell at least 200 people. O’Donald’s doesn’t look to good from this angle.