In yet another example of liberals rejecting a clear Supreme Court decision that the 2nd Amendment really does mean that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, local governments keep “finding” loopholes to reject the court decision.
In this case, Connecticut Senate members declared that alleged domestic abusers must give up their guns and ammunition if their partners seek restraining orders. And it must be done on the thin fabric of an accusation, with no substantiating court ruling.
While several Senators and proponents of the bill tried to justify the action, it is quite simply unconstitutional.
See more on page 2:
What bs
How about domestic war? Is that listed?
Assuming Killary hasn’t been elected and appointed 3 new progressive activist justices to replace the aging conservatives.
The tip of the iceberg! Soon if you have an ingrown toenail they will be able to confiscate!
People of Connecticut stand up and raise hell, they are taking your rights from under your noses
The options are challenge in court, or move away to a state with more liberty
If you don’t batter/abuse than you don’t lose
Vile, evil, treasonous dung balls working to chip away at & destroy the vital 2nd Amendment. NO MORE DEMOCRATS
punished before being tried… Nice 😉
Accused is NOT Convicted!! In Washington State if there is a No Contact Order for you you MUST give the Police your guns until said Order is in front of a Judge!!