In yet another example of liberals rejecting a clear Supreme Court decision that the 2nd Amendment really does mean that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, local governments keep “finding” loopholes to reject the court decision.
In this case, Connecticut Senate members declared that alleged domestic abusers must give up their guns and ammunition if their partners seek restraining orders. And it must be done on the thin fabric of an accusation, with no substantiating court ruling.
While several Senators and proponents of the bill tried to justify the action, it is quite simply unconstitutional.
See more on page 2:
Does that mean a lot of those cops won’t ever be able to carry on-duty anymore?
Wrong people in government will end in destruction..!!!
Time for conneticut to make some changes vote 2016
The state is prohibited from penalizing a citizen twice for the same offense and the state also has no Constitution Authority to take a citizen’s constitutional right away unless that citizen is in custody.
Good luck with that
Dude where you been for the past forty yrs its guilty til proven inoccent carter seen to that
This is a clear abuse of law. The state is convicting and depriving persons of their liberty and depriving them of their constitutional rights BEFORE a case has even gone to trial. Therefore, if you are arrested for domestic violence, the state automatically assumes you are guilty and hands down your sentence (punishment) without benefit of a trial by your peers…..
Now they are over reaching to take our guns therefore are in clear violation of constitution of America not to be infringed on what part they don’t understand amen
Allen Charles , There are over 20,000 laws regulating guns in America and more are being added all time if you haven’t noticed.