In yet another example of liberals rejecting a clear Supreme Court decision that the 2nd Amendment really does mean that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, local governments keep “finding” loopholes to reject the court decision.
In this case, Connecticut Senate members declared that alleged domestic abusers must give up their guns and ammunition if their partners seek restraining orders. And it must be done on the thin fabric of an accusation, with no substantiating court ruling.
While several Senators and proponents of the bill tried to justify the action, it is quite simply unconstitutional.
See more on page 2:
Such BS
Was the gun used as a weapon in the accusation?
well i see commie all over them , btw the border is just just a tank of gas away , and there are no guards there !!!!
Def BS….
This is enough their are already over 20k gun laws on the books in America it’s not about gun control its about people control. So much for wont be infringed.
CT, of course. Not known for being a 2a friendly state under Malloy. For this ever finds its way to SCOTUS it will be ruled unconstitutional.
Bullets first try to catch them. They come out fast and hot.
Accused??? What happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty?