Here we go again. If one person is upset, disgruntled or excluded by their own hand, suddenly everyone must suffer. That is Political Correctness at its finest.
Parents and other residents in Milford, Connecticut town were outraged by the school district’s recent decision to ban the popular Halloween parades at the city’s elementary schools. It is due to fear of excluding Muslim children who won’t participate in the tradition. So, if Muslims can’t do it, nobody gets to do it anymore. PC to the core. More PC on the next page:
The parade has been reinstated because parents stood up to the school district. That is what it is going to take every time…standing up for our rights and culture
But we keep caving to these animals
Go get them parents don’t let that school,take your holidays away if they take one then they will others like our thanksgiving and Xmas please don’t let the muslins get away with this and keep fighting the school or go to the media and tell t our school is giving into,these kinds of people
Yet they dress up year round.
Hey connecticut—-get a grip. This is our country not theirs. Understand?
PS: muzzles 4 MUZZIES
When are they going to ban moslems and islam because it offend Americans?
What about the rights of the tax paying citizens
Ban Muslims!
What are we doing giving everything up for Muslims. They dress like c**p. They are ready for Halloween