If you want to push an illegal agenda and deny constitutional rights to citizens, the key is to find a corrupt federal judge who will ignore the law in order to promote a leftist agenda, whether it be anti-gun rights, gay marriage, or atheist demands that Christianity be erased from the public square. The reasoning does not have to be stellar, because it takes time and money to challenge and undue the damage caused by partisan judges, and that is why the Left is so anxious to place politically biased judges on the bench.
In a ruling last week, a Connecticut Superior Court judge has decided to use her position to deny citizens their 2nd amendment right to bear arms, but because the issue has pretty well-defined guidance from the U.S. Supreme Court, the judge has decided that it will take special, twisted logic to prevent citizens from owning weaponry.
See sneaky legal maneuvers to eliminate guns, page 2:
That would excuse the person who pulled the trigger. Better send the Judge back to law school.
This judge is messed up judges are supposed to follow the law not make it
Won’t stand!
The gun did not kill the people the man that used the gun shot the people
How about we sue Russia and china for all the deaths of nam by the ak47 and all the street gangs that have died
Crack head judge
That is like suing a car manufacturer because a car is a deadly weapon, knives, airplane. So stupid! A good lawyer can nip it in the but.
All liquor companies will be sued for deaths caused by drunk drivers along with companies who manufactured the cars that were involved. All personal responsibility is out the window. Knife manufacturers will be sued. Even God might be sued for creating rocks used to bash heads and hands strong enough to choke people. There will have to be a lot of court rooms built and personnel hired to handle these cases, so the flip side to this madness is it will at least create a lot of jobs. Either that, or else this judge’s ludicrous decision will be overturned on appeal and sanity will once again prevail. Btw, Sandy Hook was a red flag operation ordered by Obama to gain support for disarmament of citizens of the US making this ruling even more absurd.
Good, because if I were a defendant, my first order of business would be demanding proof that anyone died.