Connecticut has become the first state in the nation to virtually end homelessness of its Veterans. The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness (CCEH), and other non-profits have been out scouring the state identifying homeless Veterans, and handing out vouchers for permanent or temporary housing. National and state officials set a goal to end the plight of homeless Veterans.
How was this accomplished? See next page:
Thank you. Could we get you to call gov. Fairie Brown-eye out here in California?
Well done! Isn’t HUD one of the programs Trump and Ben Carson want to get rid of? Thank God both senators from CT are democrats and supported this.
Good for you. Praise the Lord
The headline should of read on the decline not that it has totally ended as that is referring to.
Lori-Ann Fagnani
Yaaaaaaaay I’m soooo excited
Great to hear
Also the only state where the $1M sendoff in the hospital when you die is billable to your spouse and home of Danbury Hospital where like 80% of all births end up in the NICU b/c of shoddy research done by the director of the NICU.
Way to go