Alaska Congressman Donald Young ranted against the federal government’s power grab through the EPA during a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee meeting this month.
“To allow a federal agency to go in an tell a state ‘No, you can not do this’, this is a monarchy under this administration. Taking away a state’s rights. You’re becoming the United States of The Federal Government.”
Many know the truth. They don’t want to forfeit their pensions.
The Ststes need to secede
Great speech
The federal government can enforce laws within the 12 square miles that are Washington DC. Outside that the states are the ones that can dictate their
Laws. So what the administration is trying to go is unconstitutional and outside the law. M
Pennsylvania, this will show you which delegates stand for Trump, as the ballot will not tell you and if you don’t know you could end up voting for cruz.
Somebody of note finally said the obvious. Will they understand what he’s saying? Can anything reverse this trend?
Yes,We the peoble can,If we can come together and demand it And this year is a start
Afraid it’s too late until we get a new leader!
Only a full all out civil uprising not just Alaska , all states will reverse this trend, the only route govt ever takes is to get — bigger bigger and bigger until everyone is under its control and at the very end — everyone becomes mindless drones only existing at the will of the state ( federal govt )
Its like a runaway trsin