Knowing that their objections to vaccinating their children won’t carry any weight with the government bureaucrats carrying out this proposed national vaccination program, parents are going to have to ask themselves what they’re willing to do to keep the government’s hands off their children. As Medicine News explains:
“This bill is essentially a national version of the SB277 mandatory vaccination legislation which passed in California earlier this year, with the same impossible exemption requirements. The bill, as currently written, would require all state public schools across the nation to mandate blanket vaccination of their enrolled students in order to receive their federal aid money.”
“The real question here is — will people who still enroll their children in these meat grinding indoctrination facilities idly sit by as their local schools turn those national grant funds into literal blood money for the pharmaceutical-industrial complex?”
Source:Medicine News
I wish Ovomit would STOP BLACKMAILING everyone to do his bidding…MF, SOB