Barack Obama has less than a month remaining as president, and the world is taking advantage.
This week the United Nations quickly pushed through a resolution that would declare Israeli settlements illegal. The measure was fast-tracked largely in order to take advantage of the Obama administration’s tepid relationship with Israel — something that will likely change once Donald Trump assumes office in late-January. The resolution passed on a 14-0 vote.
In the end, the United States didn’t even vote on the controversial resolution. Despite having veto power over any U.N. resolution, American U.N. Ambassador Samantha Powers chose to abstain from the vote, allowing the resolution to pass unanimously.
It was perhaps the most cowardly thing the Obama administration could have done. They were too afraid to stand up for Isreal and too afraid to finally admit that they don’t care about the Israeli people.
See how prominent Republicans — including Donald Trump — responded to the vote on the next page:
No way. UN screwed Israel.
Kick the UN out of the country. Just what Rump and Brietbart want.
And they should. We need to get out of the UN, and throw them out of the US.
That would be a major mistake. The UN on American soil trying to arrest American citizens? What could go wrong with that? Maybe that’s what we need and it would spark a revolution.when the dust settles the swamps will have been drained.
You sound like s brainwashed idiot. The UN needs to be sanctioned. Religious Apartheid? You ignorant$#%&!@* if those ragheads would just leave Israel alone there would be no problems. As for an escalation in terrorism, you should lay that blame exactly where it belongs. On radical Islamic Terrorists. Who determines what is a war crime the UN. These$#%&!@*holes are almost exclusively anti Israel, anti American.
yes just do it cut of all usa controbution,, forever, force the un to shut down and move. germany would be a good place..
Instead of threats JUST DO IT> It’s funded largely by us and it benefits the Middle East more than anyone.
I don’t think so!!! You traitors are about to be gone!!!
That is wrong, They plan on cutting the money paid to the U.N.
Better not they all be looking for new jobs