Our treasonous Congress just shot down an amendment introduced by Rep. Adam Smith (D-Washington) that would have ended the indefinite detention of Americans under the National Defense Authorization Act.
“That is an enormous amount of power to give the executive, to take someone and lock them up without due process,” Smith stated. “It is an enormous amount of power to grant the executive, and I believe places liberty and freedom at risk in this country.”
The fact that this country can lock someone up without due process should be a wake up call to everyone. This is NOT a free country any longer. Yes, you can go to the mall and buy whatever you want, but that isn’t freedom.
Freedom is your ability to live without threat from your own government that they might one day decide to lock you up indefinitely without your ability to do anything about it.
“Oh, but they wouldn’t do that,” the typical liberal sheep responds. And, they are correct. The sheep won’t be locked up like those who actually want to have rights, because they are already in a jail of their own making called “I submit to everything.”
What they don’t realize is that this jail will get smaller and smaller because those who run it have a never ending lust for control and possession. Those who run the jail are sociopaths who evil knows no bounds, but the sheep, being too timid, can’t confront this reality.
Washington D.C. needs an enema!
We the People need to take back our country. To be able to pull ANYONE off any where for no reason (national defense ISN’T a good reason) and detain them indefinitely is a direct VIOLATION of basic human rights and decency!
I would definitely be interested in making one of these cars my next car to own.
What part of unConstitutional do Americans not understand ,this Administartion has broken every law imagineable and are laughing at us and I’ll explain why ,they are bullies ,even tho all of us know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are traitors and sellouts and are abusing our country we stand around and argue about it ,most people stupoid enough to believe a 2 party system works is lost ,it’s a control mechanism, the sad truth is they know people will not individually put an effin bullet through each one of thier heads to include their effin kids , so as long as you play by thier rules we will keep being bullied into a corner , why do we have to play by thier rules when the country is ours ,and the laws they are making are not approved by the people ,wake up or die !!!!
This while Obama and Holder releases 36,000 illegal immigrants that committed numerous crimes including murder and rape!
As long as American Citizens are going to Allow this CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT TO HAVE CONTROL OVER US” AND DO NOTHING, WE ARE DONE…..
The real fight for freedom is right here on American soil.
You did notice that the amendment was introduced by a democrat. At least 1 gives a damn.
Yeah, that was shocking to hear that a Democrat introduced this bill. Must be close to his re-election time. All of our sitting Senators and Representatives need to be thrown out and replaced with new men who aren’t corrupted yet.