Donald Trump was elected in no small part due to his promise to drain the swamp that is Washington D.C., but it looks like Congress has other plans.
Honestly, it shouldn’t be a surprise at all, as the populist conservative faced an unprecedented amount of opposition from legislators during his campaign for the presidency. Not only did Democrats criticize him, but leading members of his own party like John McCain, Paul Ryan, and Lindsey Graham regularly attacked him, with the former two offering tepid endorsements of him only to promise to squash any attempts by Trump to enact his agenda once he took office.
Now that Trump is set to be sworn in as president in just over a week, Congress is frantically doing everything it can to secure its power and privileges before he comes in and cleans up shop.
Turn to the next page for more info about this story: Better hurry then
Stop them—–through court if necessary
Corrupt assholes need locked up!
Politicians, what a corrupt, conniving, deceitful lot.
Let’s drain the swamp force all politicians to be up for re election 1/2 this year 1/2 next year this should shake things up
Through them out we need to have new people in there at least one or two terms, and that’s it. The fat cats have been there for to long let’s get someone in there that does not have a private agenda of their own, and work for the people instead of the big money corporation.
Drain the swamp if they are rats and snakes.
expose everything these crooks have done, President Trump please!
Probably Mc Cain that dirty bastid