Just as it looks as if the United States is being dragged back into conflict with radical Islam, the U.S. Congress is poised to fire 25% of the military’s Generals and Admirals.
The reasons for this mass-purge of high ranking military officials has raised many eyebrows across the country and even within the ranks of congress. Those in support of the bill can’t even seem to get the reason straight.
Some are saying the reduction is a necessary course adjustment in relation to the size of the military, while others are claiming that the number won’t change at all. Instead, they’re claiming that the mass layoffs are serving a different purpose — one that serves the ideological needs of the Obama administration and congress.
To see the conflicting reasons why the House and Senate are attempting to fire so many military personnel, continue reading on the next page:
Congress don’t allow this to happen we need there expertise
sorry to Disagree. Many have bacd him an still will.He Has the dull followers and the the Hypnosis Followers.As He Practices Wickin Magic.He Is the Right hand of Satan.Very Deceptive. A right royal snake in the Grass.A Brown snake or worse.He will. More than likely be the Last USA President. As we are on the last.All the rest are for show.Bernie the apparently Activist. Hillary The Compulsive Liar.Trump The Joker and Cruze. say no more.Its all a farse.Check out aputins Third term.But Obama won’t bear his chest like Putin.He will wait and time this Strike Like the Snake he is..’
This Congress?
Nova Severn Sorry to Disagree. Many have backed him an still will.He Has the dull followers and the the Hypnosis Followers.As He Practices Wickin Magic.He Is the Right hand of Satan.Very Deceptive. A right royal snake in the Grass.A Brown snake or worse.He will. More than likely be the Last USA President. As we are on the last.All the rest are for show.Bernie the apparently Activist. Hillary The Compulsive Liar.Trump The Joker and Cruze. say no more.Its all a farse.Check out aputins Third term.But Obama won’t bear his chest like Putin.He will wait and time this Strike Like the Snake he is..’
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I’m being Blocked.Hot Damn.Had A snitch try to be friend me last night.So I’m a no go with some posts now.May have to check my page it amsg me for a updates on my Views.Finally found a site with BALLS.
Maryls. can’t reply Tried twice Check it my Page for a reply or amsg me.Damn I’m a no go zone with controversial post now.Hot Damn.Even The Snitches are onto me in my Lil ole country in which Obama is Trying to Fk up via Tppa.