Just as it looks as if the United States is being dragged back into conflict with radical Islam, the U.S. Congress is poised to fire 25% of the military’s Generals and Admirals.
The reasons for this mass-purge of high ranking military officials has raised many eyebrows across the country and even within the ranks of congress. Those in support of the bill can’t even seem to get the reason straight.
Some are saying the reduction is a necessary course adjustment in relation to the size of the military, while others are claiming that the number won’t change at all. Instead, they’re claiming that the mass layoffs are serving a different purpose — one that serves the ideological needs of the Obama administration and congress.
To see the conflicting reasons why the House and Senate are attempting to fire so many military personnel, continue reading on the next page:
B******t! They should all be recalled and voted out!
congress better watch its ways, they can a could be fired to
I want to know their names so I know who to vote for!
fire congressmen and senatetors all new honest limit to two terms no retirement no benifits after office think of money saved but first impeach Obama and try Obama hilliary lynch for treason murder fraud witness tampering then death penalty
Let’s fire Obama instead
Yeah cause him and Hillary Killary are preparing for Muslim OVERTHROW! Yaw still got your head in sand huh?
Wonder what kind of stories they will have to tell?
Bad move. We are becoming more defenseless by the day!
Let’s hope