Although it is important that we question everything we read, it is just as important that we do not let the government control what we read.
Thanks to unprecedented advances in technology, people are able to access information at rates and levels that would have been unimaginable even a couple decades ago. We can store information that would have taken entire libraries to fill in times past on devices no bigger than our hands today, and transmit it faster than anyone could have dreamed of. This has made it possible for ordinary people to not just find news, but disseminate it as well.
The downside of this is that since everybody can share news, anybody can, leading to misleading and even outright false stories spreading. Even worse, this gives the busybodies in Washington a pretext to exert their control over alternative media.
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1st ammendment, it means nothing but for the crime of those who enforce it. on purpose
Every time this den of thieves meet, we the people loose more and more freedom.
Guys #1 this bill was introduced in March #2 it hasn’t gone anywhere since its introduction. Take a look for yourselves.
Congress cannot make changes to the constitution
Ehhh disregard that law it’s unjust no one respects it anyway
Seeing as Congress is NOT in session.I would call Bull$#%&!@*on this.I wonder what they mean. F**e News
I want to see five but I only see four. Freedom is the ability to say two plus two equals four. Once that is granted all else will follow. Don’t do it to me! Do it to Julia! Oohhh! Now I see five and Obama was the double plus best big brother ever!
Ian I agree with many of your points. People are far too quick to blame… well anything on one party or another. Then you follow it up by saying “republicans” blame Obama.
I say people are stupid on a daily basis, it’s ridiculous how quick they are to cling to anything that fits their bias (whatever that may be, and whether it is true or not).
However I only one question for you.
How is this not only constitutional (freedom of the press, freedom of speech etc), and how is anyone controlling what we the people read good? Because no matter what the real truth is, if it’s controlled by someone, the truth becomes whatever that someone says it is.
Just look at North Korea as a good example, or Russia, or China. Or$#%&!@*Germany for a history example…
I agree f**e news sucks… but that’s NOT wrong, nor is it against the law. That’s just why we as individuals need to learn to research our news and what we read to make sure it is the truth. If there is ONE thing this abysmal election process did right, it’s prove the media is anything but trustworthy. That the government is pretty damn untrustworthy most of the time. If we can’t trust our own government, we definitely can’t trust them mediating our news as well.
Jan 20
I’ll say “aye” don’t think so Tim! LOL