Although it is important that we question everything we read, it is just as important that we do not let the government control what we read.
Thanks to unprecedented advances in technology, people are able to access information at rates and levels that would have been unimaginable even a couple decades ago. We can store information that would have taken entire libraries to fill in times past on devices no bigger than our hands today, and transmit it faster than anyone could have dreamed of. This has made it possible for ordinary people to not just find news, but disseminate it as well.
The downside of this is that since everybody can share news, anybody can, leading to misleading and even outright false stories spreading. Even worse, this gives the busybodies in Washington a pretext to exert their control over alternative media.
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I don’t see where this ever became law.
When did they do this? I thought they were in recess. And I will believe it when I have time to check out.
Google sifts, separates and even hides results. They are not benevolent despite their credo.
Yes that $$ could be better spent. Although if they tax them, the money will just be wasted and make the greedy gov pockets bigger. Donations should go straight to worthy charities instead.
So does this mean they are closing down ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, Ney York Times….
You can’t (shouldn’t) write laws to protect stupid people. Unfortunately, we do it all the time.
But… when you’re playing with speach… That is very scary.
I see bad spelling and grammar in news and ads all the time. The editors and proofreaders are not doing their jobs. Spell check doesn’t always work esp. if you’ve used the wrong word.
Is Congress even in session?
One Sept closer to State Ran Media
Brave New World