When Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015, it granted the executive branch not only the ability to spy on American citizens private communications, but also the legal authority to turn that information over to local law enforcement.
All of this can be done without any court order being granted, all in the name of ‘fighting terror’, of course.
What happened to that court and demographics with refugee and immigration terminology again? Did they review evidence and not network their decision too? Demographic discrimination, but credits for populations on civil service tests too?
For God’s sake we know the fucking enemy is Islam….. Don’t trample my rights because it’s not pc. Get all these fucks out and restore our freedom and privacy..
Trevor Hulette when the FBI cried because apple wouldn’t help them hack an iPhone!!!!
Hey dumb$#%&!@*it was done by Obama and his administration don’t try to say it was trump.$#%&!@*holes like you start$#%&!@*that’s a lie
Lol this was not trumps executive order thank Obama folks
This looks like f**e news. No one else is reporting it.
John C Bacon, smooth this tyranny over
F**e news as a scare tatic
SCOTUS will squash this
Does anybody remember the Patriot Act in early 2000’s it’s not the first time won’t be the last at least they are telling you about it cuz they done it in secret forever.