When Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015, it granted the executive branch not only the ability to spy on American citizens private communications, but also the legal authority to turn that information over to local law enforcement.
All of this can be done without any court order being granted, all in the name of ‘fighting terror’, of course.
Just like typical conservatives, you guys forget it was a Republican-controlled House and Senate that did this. My question is why is T and A acting all shocked and dismayed this could have happened when most of it’s supporters backed the most authoritarian man since Richard Nixon for Pres. and most of you vote Republican.
A conservative named Devin Nunez proposed this, and what little opposition it fostered came mostly from Democrats.
Put your indignance away. You did this.
No mention of what if any warrants will be needed. Since it is not mentioned my guess is that a lot of this is spin. Also no actual parts of the law were quoted, just a letter about the law. In my experience it is a good bet the author is being manipulative…just saying…
Is that the GOP “conservative ” congress you’re speaking of?
That’s why I’ll remain a a
Staunch, free thinking IND.
Richard Tast. help me out wih this one. One more step in the wrong direction if you ask me.
Charles Urban you should think before you speak but never limit your own opinion to others sensibilities. I know for a fact government is not in the business of protecting our rights anymore. That is on the individual now and it always has been. I have faith in my country but lack optimism that we will get pass all these hurdles in my lifetime and I am 28. But I think politicians and representatives should be paid minimum wage. They are there to serve and should not be paid more than the lowest paid soldier serving us.
Yep. So if you have Facebook, which we clearly do, there’s no legitimate complaint if your upset over cell companies providing your info to the govt
I am leaving this$#%&!@*Communist Bs place!
What freedom
F**e news !
This$#%&!@*government are the terrorists
Don’t think so