Are parents responsible for the actions of their teenagers? The United States House of Representatives passed a bill to criminalize teenage “sexting”. However, it’s not just the teenagers being held accountable, it’s also the parents.
The idea of parents not being responsible for making sure their minor children make smart choices is commonplace. Children throwing tantrums in stores are handed smartphones to play with instead of disciplined and teenagers free reign to take advantage of the pop culture idea that kids will inevitably be kids. But, kids shouldn’t be sexualized and that’s exactly what this same Hollywood culture installs into the younger generations as being normal and cool. This is contrasted with the fact a parent might very well have no idea their child is “sexting” without invading their privacy and runs contrary to the idea teenagers should be responsible and treated like young adults.
There is a mandatory sentence parents will be slapped with if the government finds out your teenage is “sexting”, all on the next page:
Really Richard. No parents have total control over their teenage children and any parent that thinks they do is a complete Jackass and that a bigger problem. What do you do chain your child to a poll in the basement.
FUcking stupid
Sure and the liberals and Muslims want to give them the rights to marry and child brides under 10years of age . Sad that they are doing their b st to ruin our way of life.
I want to know who is going to be reading or seeing the text that is just stupid do that when men can get young girls for tracking sex you in Washington have really lost your mind have you all got brain damage
But,it,s not the parent,s business if the schools pass out birth control or teach abortion
Whoa! I thought it might be 15 years for READING A BIBLE… the girl on the right seems to be doing..while the PARENT is apparently sexting…..
It should be the kids that are held responsible!
Keep your hands off my parental rights! You can’t get the simplest things right, quit jot and tiddling Our Personal Lives!
What about congressmen caught texting????