Congress Making Plans for World War 3


The growing consideration among Congress is that the United States cannot win World War III – quite unsettling. In the event of war, the President would more than likely impose a draft that could cripple America’s economy even more, which might be why Obama signed an executive order that would see the federal government taking control of all necessities in times of war.

The Obama Administration cares very little for the American people, and more for filling their own pocket books and staying comfortable while destroying our nation in the process.

However, this march towards World War III is different, Putin has repeatedly requested the U.S.’s cooperation with the war against Mudlim jihadists in Syria, but Obama has steadfastly refused, and for good reason. Presently, Russia is the only foreign nation inside of Syria that is legally operating inside of  Syria. The Syrian government, headed by Assad, has invited Russia into his country. The great interloper, the United States, has invented and continues to support rogue terrorist organizations such as ISIS and the Syrian rebels in an attempt to unseat Assad in a desperate move to save the Petrodollar.

The Syrian rebels and ISIS are illegitimate, rogue entities supported by the United States CIA. Under international law, the United States is a criminal nation supporting an illegal takeover of the Assad regime.

Putin continues to be a tactical genius. By inviting the United States to join his forces in ridding Syria of the criminal ISIS, Putin exposes America’s bad guy role in Syria.

At least some in Congress have put set aside their insider trading ways long enough to contemplate how many different ways that the Chinese and the Russians are going to kick America’s rear end in the upcoming war.

In the coming weeks and months, look for a Congressional to invest in the construction of their of their soon-to-be hideaways while they create a safe haven, in places like Paraguay.

This past Tuesday, there were three congressional hearings that spelled out the future of America. In the first meeting of the morning, the Senate Armed Services Committee held a lengthy hearing on cyberwarfare and the possiblities of our enemies to take down our cyber infrastructure. In the afternoon, a second meeting was convened and it consisted of a subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee which discussed the present size and deployment of the US fleet of aircraft carriers as well as their vulnerability to attack. Yet, another Senate subcommittee of the same panel discussed the modernization of US nuclear weapons in what I would dub a “day late and a dollar short discussion”.

While the Obama Administration and their federal government cronies think they’re safe should World War III ever happen, the truth is they would be in the same boat as everybody else. And this is how revolutions begin. Let’s hope American citizens start waking up before things become that drastic.




  1. casscash
  2. Jeff

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