President Obama has once again taken the side of foreigners over American citizens, this time in a speech that he gave recently which was designed to insult presidential candidate Donald Trump. In the wake of the Paris massacre by Muslim extremists and the murder of 14 people in San Bernardino by an Islamic husband and wife, many citizens are calling for a pause in the wave of immigrants being invited into the U.S. by Obama under a special refugee program.
Trump also has taken a position that is decidedly not politically correct and has called for a moratorium on allowing Muslims into the United States until the immigration department can tighten up the process to ensure that Islamic terror cell members are not sneaking in under the guise of being fleeing Syrian refugees.
Immigration officials have admitted that their vetting process is porous, and recent evidence shows that the San Bernardino woman who killed so many people was a radicalized Muslim well before she came to the U.S., but entered the country with little or no slow-down from immigration services.
The proposal by Trump is quite reasonable in that it is temporary and it is supported by the vast majority of Americans. But Obama, rather than recognizing the legitimate fears of U.S. citizens, chose to denounce Trump, and by extension, the public, calling them bigots, and citing freedom of religion as a superior value, though it is important to recognize that the right of freedom of religion only applies to U.S. citizens, not to foreign immigrants.
There are laws which do indicate that religion should not be a test for immigration, but the real point is that Trump is saying that the U.S. has a dangerous problem, and that it must be addressed before another tragedy occurs. That may simply be the halting of immigration from the Middle East, which would be legal, but that is up to Obama, and he seems determined to ignore the will of the people.
See video, page 2:
we need a new congress, it seems
Obama knows the American people do not want any refugees let into the country at this time, but he has refused to listen to what the American people want, just has house, senate & congress has.
We hired them, why can’we fire them ??
Trump all the way to hell with congressmen that stand with Obama. The quite ones know when they are up for election also!!!!
Wonder how much of a bonus they were promised this time.
these stoogs are so afread of losing their hold on the ”sugar$#%&!@*’ of their postions they will back obuma no matter what he does
Dixianne Hawks~
I don’t believe there will be another election! People have been waking up to the reality of obama, and many are angry, and possibly ready to act on that anger. Therefore, the Globalists/Elitists, through obama, are about ready to incite chaos and confusion, and will then announce Martial Law to be imposed. Department of Homeland Security will corral all citizens, using those MRAP vehicles and billions of our dollars they’ve spent on ammo, to enslave us. There will be no more Constitution, as obama will declare himself permanent Dictator-in-Chief. I HOPE O’m wrong but this vile, evilman is not to be trusted!!! The rest of his specially appointed czars and staff are all in collusion! They are all fools, because they are going down too, but they don’t realize it as yet.
This actually says a lot…
Jessie Stone~
Actually, the reason we’re dealing with Muslims in the White House and Muslims coming in, being our Enemies, is because this nation has turned it’s back on the True God, accepting money, power, immorality, greed, and corruption as the god of choice. God’s protective :hand of Blessings has been removed, and YET people refuse to acknowledge Him! Therefore, the nation has chosen their authority…an evil god, instead of The True and loving God. People refuse to hear and ask forgiveness.
James Mccollum and Abbie Hall~
But how many Americans are willing to lay down their lives to unite and go against them? We would do well if we could get 3%! People are too lazy and complacent, willing to do nothing. They don’t have ANY idea what it’s like to be under enslavement by evil dictators and tyrants!!!