Clive Bundy and supporters on horseback have arrived to reclaim his cattle corralled by the BLM, but armed agents are insisting they will shoot citizens if they leave the road and enter public land to herd the cows.
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its the peoples land and the government should get nothing for the use of it by citizens
Marshall law
it don’t matter,,,BOZO THE CLOWN FACED MONKEY IN THE WH has it all planned and WE THE SHEEP are doomed,,he is destroying us from within,,,WAKE UP AMERICA!@! ths is just a sample of what’s to come and really really soon
SAVE AMERICA,THE TRATOR OBAMA needs to be stopped right now! “SCREW OBAMA”,“SCREW HILLARY CLINTON!”. The Butchers of Benghazi and the butcher of the CONSTITUTION should be in Jail !!!!
hmmm, public land???? & blm is threatening to shoot?????? does the land NOT belong to the taxpayers????
Boy they really do want a good ole fashioned shoot out don’t they!
Well shoot back
Well shoot back if you hurt a fiew of them they will run for the hills
Do it and you’ll have an F-N civil war on your hands, BLM… and YOU WILL LOSE!!!!!!
outdated saw where they opened the gates and got them home