It’s been confirmed that the NSA is in fact recording all telephone calls and holding them for 1 month.
Supposedly, they’ve only been doing this in foreign countries. Sure, we believe that!
So we’re under 100% surveillance – our government wants to disarm us – police are becoming more militarized across the country – our president breaks the law continuously and acts like a dictator – our Constitutional rights are being stripped right in front of us…
How much will the American populace take before we see riots in the streets like we have in other countries?
And just think people ,if not for Eric Snowden,NOBODY would know or even have a clue about this!And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
What is amazing is that all this Hitlerian moves by our government is being done by Americans against us. Why would Americans turn on Americans?
MONTH my ass.
Well John they Have become OVOMIT’s MUSLIN COMMUNIST, he’s bought everybody with TAX PAYERS MONEY, if they listen in on my conversations they know exactly what i think of all the LYING THIEVES!!!!
AND NONE OF OUR ELECTED PEOPLE ARE DOING ANYTHING TO STOP THIS!!!! Guess we have to it ourselves before it’s to late
NOW !!!!
Terry Nichols said riots dont work !
people. wake up before it’s too late.
Obama, and some of the other’s in the WHITE HOUSE ARE NOT TRUE AMERICAN’S.