Remember Obama and Holder’s “Fast and Furious” gun running operation that the media has conveniently forgotten about? That operation didn’t only arm the Mexican drug cartel, it also provided the weapon used by Garland attacker Nadir Hamid Soofi, sources confirmed to Breitbart News.
In February 2010, federal authorities authorized that Phoenix gun dealer associated with Fast and Furious to sell a High Point .380 caliber pistol to Soofi.
And it gets worse…
See Page 2:
This is nothing new and Obama is not the first. Really people.
will we ever get it what happy
Sue obama
He Must Be the Terrorists President!
He has committed so many treasonous crimes against America and Americans I just don’t understand why he hasn’t been impeached !! It makes me sick to my stomach to know we have to support him and his family when he is,out of the white house. !!!!!! Congress needs to do something before it’s too late !! He isn’t even an American citizen! !!! Just a lying thieving disgusting muslim lover socialist! !!
Imagine that !
Arrest and convict the trader
1st off islam is incompatible with civilization insofar as in 1952 islam (shariah law) was banned from the USA and the law is still in effect today. it is high time WE THE PEOPLE enforce our laws and rid our nation of this inhumane barbaric cancer. ATTENTION ALL GOATFUCKERS AND ILLEGALS: you have the option to leave IMMEDIATELY or be deported in BODY BAGS. if any one of you attempt to re enter the USA you will be SHOT ON SIGHT no questions asked.