Remember Obama and Holder’s “Fast and Furious” gun running operation that the media has conveniently forgotten about? That operation didn’t only arm the Mexican drug cartel, it also provided the weapon used by Garland attacker Nadir Hamid Soofi, sources confirmed to Breitbart News.
In February 2010, federal authorities authorized that Phoenix gun dealer associated with Fast and Furious to sell a High Point .380 caliber pistol to Soofi.
And it gets worse…
See Page 2:
why isnt Ovomit in prison
Not The only one
Can’t believe he’s getting away with all this c**p.
He didnt last long…states that carry protect themselves…try it again pos muslim…we will draw mohumad over and over
Thts why he does this he is one of them
I believe
Obama is a muslim and never wanted us to gain anything I want that towell head out of here
No scandals during his presidency my A$$!
Oh now obummer,the terrorist has a good form someone like you who is trying to take Americans gund
Of course. Obama probably gave it to him personally.