UN vehicles have been being spotted near Lexington, Virginia as well as across the states of Ohio, Virginia, West VA and North Carolina.
The movement of military convoys along the I-81, movement in both Southern and Northern directions, has been met with much speculation and concern. The long lines of tankers, troop transports trucks and Humvees, with military personnel following up in civilian vehicles have turned heads along the roadway. There is also construction equipment as part of the convoy.
The troop movement very well may be routine military procedure, with war games being part of keeping our military sharp, but the movement of United Nations vehicles is not a routine site. What exactly is going on with flatbeds of UN vehicles being transported along these highways?
Read more on the following page.
It will be a target rich environment
Seriously though….$#%&!@*those Jackboot pieces of$#%&!@* They have no business here or anywhere.
They have jurisdiction over our guns… obamas way to disarm Americans… the begining of HIS Brown Shirt army…
There is a fema camp 15 miles from me located in Omaha, Arkansas… and a train runs right to it….
There is something afoot, why aren’t more Americans worried?
They are built here and ship where they need to go
People need to follow these trucks to see where they are going. I have seen pictures of trains carrying these trucks also. Are they headed to ports to ship them overseas or not ????????
Yes, You are correct ! Thank You for your input.
Yes the UN is coming as soon as martial law is enforced
I have no alliegence to the UN whatsoever. I will not hesitate to kill any UN soldier. Period. They come to the US and start policing me I will shoot them.