UN vehicles have been being spotted near Lexington, Virginia as well as across the states of Ohio, Virginia, West VA and North Carolina.
The movement of military convoys along the I-81, movement in both Southern and Northern directions, has been met with much speculation and concern. The long lines of tankers, troop transports trucks and Humvees, with military personnel following up in civilian vehicles have turned heads along the roadway. There is also construction equipment as part of the convoy.
The troop movement very well may be routine military procedure, with war games being part of keeping our military sharp, but the movement of United Nations vehicles is not a routine site. What exactly is going on with flatbeds of UN vehicles being transported along these highways?
Read more on the following page.
They here !!
It’s Jade Helm all over again!!!! We all know how well that went.
You are all a bunch of effing BOZOS!!!!!
God forbid they make UN vehicles here in the US. What’s next? Hondas?!
That’s some powerful Tool Aid you’re drinking there son.
for the coming civil war planed by obama to postpone the election.
This is how they will take over.
if its war they want we will give it to them
Multitudes, multitudes
in the valley of decision!
For the day of the Lord is near
in the valley of decision. Joel 3:14. Surrender your life to God all mighty., His our only hope!
No longer a consiracy theory !!