How has Islam been allowed to creep into American classrooms via Common Core curriculum? One answer is to follow the money and see who has given vast sums to “U.S. taxpayer-funded Title VI university centers, where (sic) Saudi-funded “lesson plans” made their way into America’s K-12 classrooms”.
Page two discusses the million dollar Saudi donations to universities with Middle East Centers where K-12 classroom curriculum is developed and then implemented across America.
Zan why dont you croak already
Y oure a dingleberry on the$#%&!@*of the universe.
Stop common core and Islam
Impeachment coming Edward
Stop this hateful cult now!!
Created by a former Obama classmate who was not even in education. It sure was a bogus sell to education in order to allow government control over our schools. The Dept. of Education needs to be dismantled.
Been calling for this garbage to be removed from schools for a decade now
Ruth Simpson Betley you know this how? Because cnn hasn’t reported it? She’s doing plenty. She’s allowing for school choice which includes vouchers, home schools and charter schools. If kids are going to different types of school or no school they can’t be indoctrinated. Which is why the liberals fight so hard against her. It’s good there’s no media spotlight on her. She can get more done without the resisties giving her grief.
I thought President Trump was going to get rid of Common Core. What is going on???