How has Islam been allowed to creep into American classrooms via Common Core curriculum? One answer is to follow the money and see who has given vast sums to “U.S. taxpayer-funded Title VI university centers, where (sic) Saudi-funded “lesson plans” made their way into America’s K-12 classrooms”.
Page two discusses the million dollar Saudi donations to universities with Middle East Centers where K-12 classroom curriculum is developed and then implemented across America.
D.J.T. Was supposed to make that illegal!
Burn their books and don’t do their common core work. I seem to remember it being banned from public schools…
Via Obama!
Common core is the reason Betsy Devos is going back to the original way of teaching. Now I know why the Dems campaigned so hard against her and Trump wanted her here
Wasn’t ridding our schools of this ISLAMIC TROJAN HORSE one of the promises made by Trump’s Minister of Education? Hey Betsy Devos, what’s going on? Did you let the Left scare you off after their extreme reaction when you threatened to touch their ‘golden calf’ that is now entrenched into the educational system and is mandatory for taking over and indoctrinating the minds of our children?
Yep…let s make our children as brainless as theirs……Your state can implement another plan besides common core cloning….
Parents are the answer. The ones of us without kids can only inform you.
What’s going on is whomever is promoting this believes that most of Americans don’t understand what Islam is however they are mistaken we understand that their religion says it’s OK to hurt others including murder them in the name of their God and America rejects this philosophy completely
Islam should not be allowed in the schools!!
Jeb Bush was a big supporter of common core. Thats the reason I wrote him off in very beginning. Common core was the worst thing to hit school systems. Indoctrination to Islam ans NWO