We all look back with mixed memories at our school days, times in which we struggled to learn, or thrilled with new concepts, or were surprised at the material that was introduced to us. Kids generally love to learn, and for those of us raised on the three “R’s” (Reading, Writing and “‘Rithmatic”), we would be surprised that the schoolroom has become an indoctrination lab that has a very political orientation and a focus on topics and agendas very different from what we remember.
The Federal Department of Education and various interest groups have skillfully introduced topics and positions that teach a very different point of view than most parents would feel appropriate, and they have also been very careful to hide what exactly they are doing. Common Core, the national curriculum that is being dictated and pushed by the Department of Education, was recently exposed for the agenda driven, leftest program that it is.
Pearson Education is a huge textbook publishing company supplying schools throughout the U.S. and they publish many of the texts now being used in Common Core courses. Project Veritas is an undercover journalist organization that interviewed a former Pearson executive to reveal some of the objectives and plans of Common Core. The revelations are startling and extremely troubling.
Common Core is antagonistic to American tradition, page 2:
Bull$#%&!@* they did too.
If you are not apart of the core you are a enemy of the state and you must be intered into the FEMA camp’s to be liquidated the future of common core like a sad twilight zone episode sick
Where are these nut cases coming from. Common core is the worst thing I have seen introduced in to any school.
It began with John D. Rockefeller creating the General Education Board , supported by Rockefeller funds and therefore subject to whatever Rockefeller decided was “best” for education.
It was “off the deep end ” 100 years ago when it began.
Here’s a glimpse of how they intended to proceed with the education of the masses RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING:
“The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class.
With such an initial handicap even the bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order , peace and tranquility for the ruling upper class.”- John D. Rockefeller who subsequently went on to create the General Education Board in 1903 to disperse Rockefeller funds to education.
The General Education Board is currently replicated as your town or city’s ” Board of Education” and similarly named throughout American cities from coast to coast)
Now it deteriorated further into what we see today. Common core math is ridiculous. The school (system) is also ridiculous!
Planet of the Apes has become a reality
United we stand! Come on America
They haven’t won yet
This will change with a new president
Thank you Dave Vinston. Sounds like liberal indoctrination …like the movie 2081. Sigh!!
Best common core explanation ever! Parents home school your children! The DC nuts are brainwashing your children against you!