We all look back with mixed memories at our school days, times in which we struggled to learn, or thrilled with new concepts, or were surprised at the material that was introduced to us. Kids generally love to learn, and for those of us raised on the three “R’s” (Reading, Writing and “‘Rithmatic”), we would be surprised that the schoolroom has become an indoctrination lab that has a very political orientation and a focus on topics and agendas very different from what we remember.
The Federal Department of Education and various interest groups have skillfully introduced topics and positions that teach a very different point of view than most parents would feel appropriate, and they have also been very careful to hide what exactly they are doing. Common Core, the national curriculum that is being dictated and pushed by the Department of Education, was recently exposed for the agenda driven, leftest program that it is.
Pearson Education is a huge textbook publishing company supplying schools throughout the U.S. and they publish many of the texts now being used in Common Core courses. Project Veritas is an undercover journalist organization that interviewed a former Pearson executive to reveal some of the objectives and plans of Common Core. The revelations are startling and extremely troubling.
Common Core is antagonistic to American tradition, page 2:
I don’t understand why these people hate America if u don’t like us why u here n if I kill u why is it a crime
We didnt create it! The good lord did! We gonna keep it great in the name of the lord jesus christ!!! So$#%&!@*off!!!
Thier purpose is to take over and make us a muslim country , and they are being helped with thier prophet obama.
The education system has a strictly political agenda! Burying the past, common core, etc. America is 14th out of 20 in education. Actual education is not what it use to be due to liberalism. America, one time was at the top and has evidently come down over the past years. It was higher learning and dedicated teachers that advanced America into a world Leader. Aswell as parents working with their children as a part of their upbringing. We are becoming a 3rd world country.
20 Best Education Systems In The World — MBC Times
Common core, teaching children liberal lies to undermine Christian Values.
Ask her why we are so behind in education in this country but spend more on liberal arts than any other .If common core is so great .Separate church and state? But make Islam a mandatory part of education.
Guess who’s a heavy investor of common core, yep, Jeb Bush. That’s why he’s pushing it, more money in his pocket, to hell with the kids!
WTF is up?? What’s all this news today? I DESPISE all this stuff and the$#%&!@*that is pushing this Islam$#%&!@*down every segment of our lives!!!
BOYCOTT FACEBOOK For BUSINESS!, they are part of the problem… Everyone can see the need for social media sites, and the whole world is addicted so a boycott of Facebook just isn’t possible. However Facebook for Business is a whole different ball game.
….European countries being terrorized by Muslim refugees while their leftist/liberal government tells them to be more tolerant and pushes Facebook to “crack down” on post that portray refugees in a negative way.(Facebook agreed) while at the same time Facebook allows ISIS to use its sites to recruit new members.
The UN has a plan for a new world government ” Agenda 2030″ and now on the FBI terrorist watch list
” Evangelical Christian Extremist” the current Obama administration ( with his sights set on a position in the UN ) is creating situations that will cause economic failure, civil unrest and division between the people while at the same time creating an unresolvable debt and flooding the country with problematic “refugees” that will collect government aid and create more civil unrest. When it gets bad enough he can declare a state of emergency, instill Martial law and justify asking the UN forces to step in. When NATO forces are patrolling our streets…… Its over..
No Civil Service collar for her, just put this rabid little dog down.