The Common Core Math Problem That Boggles The Mind

From reports concerning Common Core:

The test asked for 5×3. The student correctly answered 15 and wrote out 5 + 5 + 5 = 15. However, the teacher marked it wrong since they did not include 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15.

Common Core pushes students to answer 5×3 with “five groups of three” instead of “three groups of five.”

The complicated standards forced Denise Handley, a private tutor who used to be a teacher, back to school to learn the new methods. Common Core even forces parents to attend classes to learn how to properly help their children with their homework.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) released the Nation’s Report Card this week that shows for the first time in 25 years that match scores in fourth and eighth grade dropped.

The ACT – makers of the standardized college admissions test – announced the standards have not made kids ready for college despite all the promises. The statistics in a report from The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2015 “has prompted ACT to issue a call to action to policymakers, educators, students and parents” to do more to properly prepare high school graduates for the real world.

“The needle is barely moving on college and career readiness, and that means far too many young people will continue to struggle after they graduate from high school,” said ACT CEO Jon Whitmore. “This should be a wake-up call for our nation.”

Common Core is a leftists scheme, meant to centralize data and change the whole curriculum for our public schools.  As the above demonstrates, it also is a nonsensical way to teach.  Memorization was the standard in many of our public schools until the 1980’s.  Anyone who is over 40 remembers utilizing memorization as the way to commit to memory many subjects, such as history and math.

Education has slowly imploded in this country.  Memorization requires utilizing parts of the brain that have to do with retention of information.  The total absence of teaching a child “the way to use logic and reason” is the primary problem with these new techniques.  Our country is in deep trouble, with Common Core.

Jeb Bush is a leader in the Common Core movement.

Common Core stores all sorts of data about students.  Common Core keeps files on all children from kindergarten through high school.  It is Big Brother turning into Big Mama, who inserts itself by testing children every few months, and teaches all the leftist propaganda.  The crazy techniques for the math cuts out the parent from homework and help.  The child can only turn to Big Mama (Common Core leftists teachers) for help.  And that’s the way this new transformed Obamaland likes it.


Source: Breitbart News



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