At this point, Obama’s fanbase has shrunk to a small, fanatical group that persists in believing the lies he spouts. This wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that this much of this small group is spread through very influential places.
Everybody and their grandma knows that Common Core is a half-baked scheme to increase the government’s control over education, but new information shows that the plan goes even deeper than previously thought. It isn’t just meant to expand the already bloated bureaucracy running our schools: it’s meant to brainwash American kids into blindly following Obama.
You might laugh at the very idea, but once you see the stuff they’re planning to teach 3rd graders in Common Core, you’ll see there is absolutely nothing to laugh about. Teachers are already drawing up plans to teach books painting Obama as some kind of messiah as part of their curriculum, something that should make any red-blooded American take to the next PTA meeting and say “Hell no!” to Common Core.
Read more about the pro-Obama Common Core curriculum on the next page:
Demon-crats !
HItler did the same thing and took his face and did the same thing with posters
This man had to hire people to toot his own whistle. Sounds like$#%&!@*to me.
Not with my granddaughter. She knows about Obama and his evil!
What change and, what hope?..We already know about the false promises.
It’s the abomination of Obamanation. His Saul Alinsky master plan is speeding up. He has to get us to go after something, like the disease of Islam because his attempts to put all Americans against each other has stalled. So importing the Rapefugees is his last chance to force us to retaliate. He keeps trying to say we are Islamophobic. This is just more liberal left wing nut doublespeak about a real threat to our way of life. Look at Europe. Do you want this disease forced upon our women and Children? Obama has about 10 more months to force this so he can declare martial law. This is the only way he can eradicate the Constitution, the Constitution that keeps him from silencing and disarming us. Read Saul Alinsky. It should scare the hell out of every American alive today as Obama has been in lock step with his 8 steps to overthrow America and replace it with a socialist state…
End COMMON CORE, dumbest propaganda, ever…………this is NOT EDUCATION!!!
At what schools?
Another step towards Communisum.